Two Week Wait?? Signs and more....

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The Two Week Wait-----

The two week wait, the longest time most ttc'ers face each month. You are usually waiting to take the HPT!!


here are a few interesting links:

Pregnancy SignCategory
Missed period Possible
Unusual or abnormal period Possible
Just "feeling" pregnant Possible
Nausea and Vomiting Possible
Changes in libido Possible
Soreness of the Breasts Possible
Enlargement of the Breasts Possible
Increased Urination Possible
Strange Cravings Possible
Fatigue Possible
Montgomery's Tubercules Possible
Skin ChangesPossible
Stretch Marks Possible
Quickening (Fetal Movement) Possible
Colostrum from Breasts Possible
Enlarged Abdomen Probable
Positive Pregnancy Test Probable
Change in uterine shape Probable
Enlarging Uterus Probable
Braxton Hicks Contractions Probable
Palpation of the Baby Probable
Fetal Heart Tones Positive
Ultrasound Detection Positive
X-ray Detection Positive




HcG Levels
HcG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone that is produced by the embryo when its starts to implant itself into the uterine lining (implantation) and begins to grow.  This occurs approximately  6-10 days after conception.  As it grows, the amount of HcG increases and doubles about every three days.  The purpose of HcG is to keep the estrogen and progesterone levels at their appropriate levels until the placenta has developed enough to take this function over.  HcG levels will reach as high as almost 300,000 mIU/ml (level) and will peak out at  10 - 12 weeks. 

Average Range of HcG Levels
Pregnant women will vary in levels of HcG within their body at different times.  But HcG levels once beginning to build should not fall.  A dramatic decline in HcG levels indicates that a miscarriage is taking place.  The chart below gives an average range of mIU/ml of HcG in pregnant women from days 10 - 22 past ovulation (DPO).  Please note that in multi births HcG levels are much higher. 

10 DPO:     10 - 50   mIU/ml HcG
13 DPO:    20 - 100 mIU/ml HcG
16 DPO:     40 - 200 mIU/ml HcG
19 DPO:   80 - 400 mIU/ml HcG
22 DPO:   160 - 800 mIU/ml HcG

Popular HPT's & HcG Sensitivity

WebWomb.Com Tests10-15 mlU/ml HcG
Aim MidStream20 mIU/ml HcG
SafeTest  20 mIU/ml HcG
LifeSign 25 mIU/ml HcG
One Step Be Sure 25 mIU/ml HcG
Self Care25 mIU/ml HcG


Clear Blue Easy50 mIU/ml HcG
EPT50 mIU/ml HcG
First Response50 mIU/ml HcG


Answer100 mIU/ml HcG
Conceive  100 mIU/ml HcG
Equate (WalMart)100 mIU/ml HcG
Precise 100mIU/ml HcG
Q-Test100 mIU/ml HcG
